Matthew W. Gearhardt
County Auditor | Miami County, Ohio
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Sales Report
Sales List
Delinquency Report
Conveyance Fee Calculator
Tax Estimator
2024 Tax Estimator
Enter Property Value and select other options to estimate 2024 property taxes.
This tool can only estimate 2024 property taxes due and payable in 2025
Appraised Value
Property Located in
Tax Districts
A01 - Bethel TWP- Bethel LSD
A02 - Bethel TWP- Miami East LSD
A03 - Bethel TWP- Tecumseh LSD
A29 - Bethel TWP- Huber Heights City- Bethel LSD
A47 - Bethel TWP- Tipp City- Bethel LSD
B04 - Brown TWP- Miami East LSD
B05 - Fletcher Vil-Miami East LSD
C06 - Concord TWP- Troy CSD
C07 - Concord TWP-Newton LSD
D08 - Troy City- Troy CSD
D45 - Troy City- Miami East LSD
E09 - Elizabeth TWP- Miami East LSD
F10 - Lostcreek TWP- Miami East LSD
F11 - Lostcreek TWP- Casstown Vil-Miami East LSD
G12 - Monroe TWP- Tipp City EVSD
G13 - Monroe TWP- Milton Union EVSD
G14 - Monroe TWP- Troy CSD
G15 - Monroe TWP- Tipp City- Tipp City EVSD
G46 - Monroe TWP- Tipp City Troy CSD
H16 - Newberry TWP- Bradford EVSD
H17 - Newberry TWP- Covington EVSD
H18 - Newberry TWP- Bradford Vil-Bradford EVSD
H19 - Newberry TWP- Covington Vil- Covington EVSD
I20 - Newton TWP- Newton LSD
I21 - Newton TWP- Bradford EVSD
I22 - Newton TWP-Covington EVSD
I23 - Newton TWP- Franklin Monroe LSD
I24 - Newton TWP- Milton Union EVSD
I25 - Newton TWP- Troy CSD
I26 - Newton TWP- Pleasant Hil Vil-Newton LSD
J27 - Springcreek TWP- Piqua CSD
J28 - Springcreek TWP- Miami East LSD
K30 - Staunton TWP- Miami East LSD
K31 - Staunton TWP-Troy CSD
L32 - Union TWP-Milton Union EVSD
L33 - Union TWP- Newton LSD
L34 - Union TWP- Northmont CSD
L35 - Union TWP- Troy CSD
L36 - Union TWP- Laura Vil- Milton Union EVSD
L37 - Union TWP- Ludlow Falls Vil- Milton Union EVSD
L38 - Union TWP- Potsdam Vil- Milton Union EVSD
L39 - Union TWP- West Milton Vil-Milton Union EVSD
L42 - Union TWP- Union City- Milton Union EVSD
M40 - Washington TWP- Piqua CSD
M41 - Washington TWP- Covington EVSD
M43 - Washington TWP- Troy CSD
N44 - Piqua City- Piqua CSD
P48 - Huber Heights City- Bethel LSD
Q49 - Union City- Milton Union EVSD
R50 - Staunton TWP- Troy City Miami East
S51 - Staunton TWP- Troy City- Troy CSD
T52 - Springcreek TWP- Piqua City- Piqua CSD
Property Type
Residential / Agricultural
Commercial / Industrial
Owner Occupancy Credit
Homestead Reduction
Yes, Disabled Veteran